PROSYSTEMY Drone Technology Laboratory is a platform for building advanced multi-rotor drone laboratory at affordable price.

Because of the platform framework affordability, flexibility and emphasis on advanced control, it is suitable for EDUCATION, as well as RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT or HOBBY.

The main purpose of this framework is to allow students, researches and developers easy and fast prototyping and experimenting with advanced control algorithms, drone geometry, and different types of motors, propellers, avionics, electronics. The framework simplifies analyzing drone dynamics and performance or testing.

The laboratory may consist of a single low-cost multi-rotor drone bench suitable for high-school education or hobby development.

For research purposes a large swarm of different types of heavily equipped multi-rotor drone benches communicating with each other can be build.

Important advantage of the framework is its control system – PROSYSTEMY DCU Control System Platform. It is open license-free flexible advanced control system with real-time control units, fully-featured visualization/SCADA system, and programming using control diagrams. Scientific computational platform Scilab or Matlab and its dynamic simulators Xcos, Simulink are used for programming.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I buy DRONTECHLAB UAV drone bench, when there are so many drone manufacturers?

DRONTECHLAB drone bench is not an ordinary drone. Standard drone product is developed, designed, and tuned for single purpose – typically flying and making videos. Additionally, they are closed systems, and so user has very limited means (or none) to modify the product shape, purpose, or behavior.

DRONTECHLAB product is on the contrary open flexible framework. User may easily modify structure as well as control algorithms of the product. Additional sensors, motors and other actuators may be connected. Control loops are programmed using dynamic simulator diagrams. Complex Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system provides an extensive means for analysis, monitoring, and visualization of drone internal behavior. The main goal of DRONTECHLAB is to provide affordable easy-to-use educational tool as well as rapid prototyping R&D lab.

So if you wish to just fly and make videos, this product is not for you. If you want to try and develop new extraordinary flying structures, or experiment with advanced control algorithms, or show to others how a drone control algorithm looks like, then DRONTECHLAB is for you.

Why should students analyze drone control algorithms or experimenting with flying structures?

Obviously, control algorithms, structural dynamics, and other related topics may be studied and educated on any other experimental devices such as inverted pendulum, water columns, or HVAC models. However, we believe, that due to immense popularity of drones and its still rising importance, a drone bench as an educational tool is far more appealing to young people. An attractive drone stand will bring more students to these topics, increase laboratory reputation and enhance R&D potential in this domain.

What is the lowest budget variant of DRONTECHLAB drone bench?

If you do not mind your time and effort, but you have a restricted budget we recommend the following approach. Order just flight controller DCU30IOA or the package called Basic quad-bench flight avionics – flight controller + basic electronics. With these products you receive all needed information and software to build your own drone bench. You get 3D printer model files so you may print all parts of the drone bench. You receive a list of typically used electronics – motors, sensors,… so you may buy it by yourself at lowest prices. You get or may download wiring diagrams to correctly connect all devices. All needed software is open-source based and free and may be downloaded from our website.

Testing 5kg drone bench take off and landing procedure with roll, pitch, yaw controllers on

Experimental tunning and testing of roll and pitch stabilisation controllers

Experiment with drone object tracking using camera